Pain Relief Tip Guide
Tips On How To Alleviate Pain Experienced Frm Any Of The Below Issues You May Be Experiencing:
Arthritis - Blood Flow/Circulation – Carpal Tunnel - Depression/Anxiety: Major Depressive Disorder [MDD] - Bipolar Disorder [BPD] - Diabetic Neuropathy – Fibromyalgia Pain – Migraines - Planter Fasciitis - Respiratory Issues – Sciatica Pain - Shingles/Herpes Zoster – Shoulder Pain – Skin Wound Healing - Soft Tissue Injuries – Speech Therapy – Spinal Cord Injury – Tennis Elbow – Golfers Elbow - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder [TMJD] – Muscle Pain - Muscle Strengthening
**Note: The “Mode” setting on our TENS machines can be set to your preference. We have included a wide range of modes in our machines so you can find the perfect mode that suits your needs.**
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Warning to pacemaker patients, check with doctor.
When the electrical stimulation reaches the brain via the nerves, endorphins [a natural pain killer] are releases that override the pain signals.
TENS assists with acute [short-term] and chronic [long-term] pain. TENS has also shown to relieve osteoarthritis pain and reduces the need for pain medication.
Arthritic pain confined to a specific region, the pads are placed above and below the specific joint, and/or parallel to the joint pain. Can safely be used for 30 minutes for up 3 times per day.
As some arthritic issues are significantly in hands and feet, the use of TENS socks and gloves have the largest area coverage of relief. One electrode attached to the sock/glove and the other to the skin above will complete the circuit and increase the pain relief.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 74% |
Up To 84% |
Up To 96% |
Blood flow/circulation:
Interferential current stimulates blood flow velocity and vessel size. With the stimulation of the nerves and subsequently the muscles surrounding the nerve which in turns stimulates the blood vessels, increasing the blood flow.
High [tolerable] stimulation, in documented studies, has shown to have best results causing the muscles to move blood quickly with the contractions caused by the electric stimulation.
For specific localized issue, place pad on each side of the area for the electrical stimulation to penetrate the muscle to move the blood in the inhibited area.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 82% |
Up To 96% |
Carpal Tunnel
Placing electrodes below pain area at wrist and other on center of palm or close to elbow. Electrical impulses stimulate the nerve fibres blocking pain signals reaching the brain.
Using the different modes will electrically stimulate the nerves with impulses that will over-ride the pain receptors and stimulate the release of natural painkillers being endorphins and enkolpions.
As well as reducing pain, stimulation of the nerves stimulates the muscles which will increase the blood flow to increase the healing of the muscle tissues around the medial nerve which reduces pressure.

Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 78% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 98% |
Depression/Anxiety: Major Depressive Disorder [MDD], Bipolar Disorder [BPD]
Some studies have shown with TENS therapy to areas of pain will lift depression/anxiety in the form of relief to face issues/day.
Stimulation of the electrical impulses not only lessens the pain from the area but improves the blood flow to create the emotional movement needed to pursue an active lifestyle.
Research has also shown that placing a pad on the ‘tragus’ of the ear will stimulate the vagus nerve which in effect stimulates the amygdala. The amygdala is the key region for emotional processing.

Stimulation with a low-strength for a period of 30+ minutes has improved moods over a period of weeks - months, improvement none the less.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 77% |
Up To 89% |
Up To 99% |
Diabetic Neuropathy:
TENS pads placed opposite sides the location of the pain, with electrical impulses modulating the transmission of pain impulses by to the brain via the spinal cord, directly inhibits nociceptive stimuli. May also stimulate the element of endogenous pain control by releasing endorphins and enkephalins [body’s own pain killers]
Use of conductive socks/gloves reveals relief as well, by connecting one lead to a pad, placed on calf/arm, and other connected to sock/glove, covering much more of an area for pain relief. TENS usage can range from 30 minutes to continuous using the standard settings of conventional, acupuncture points or pulsed.
TENS has been used successfully for DPN since the 1990’s with research worthy results.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 88% |
Up To 96% |
Fibromyalgia Pain:
Stimulation delivered in short bursts or patterns, to keep the brain interested instead of a constant for a continuous time period, which becomes boring and the brain will eventually ignore. With the release of endorphins and enkephalins, the body’s natural painkiller, there is less pain which leads to less tension which leads to less pain.
TENS has a calming effect on the central nervous system, a central feature of fibromyalgia being a hyper-sensitized
Research showed that placing pads on the upper and lower back at mixed frequency, strong but comfortable intensity.
Another option is placing electrodes [4] on each side of pain area of the low back. Can either have one set across/parallel or an ‘X’ placement.
For specific localized pain, place pad on each side of the area for the electrical stimulation to follow the nerve to the brain to inhibit the pain sensor

Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 74% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 98% |
Placement of pads on low neck [optic nerve is located at the base of neck] and shoulders slightly lower and slightly outward are the common placements for the electrical stimulation to stop the pain receptors in the brain. Using the acupuncture mode is recommended
There is an acupuncture point on the outside of the lower leg about 2” above the ankle bone [92 on Acupuncture Treatment Points] that has been known to help with the pain.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 76% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 97% |
Planter fasciitis:
Placement of TENS pads for pain relief: #38 & 39 [bottom of foot]; 85 & 86 [out side of foot]; 93 & 94 [inside of foot] to help nerve stimulation and blocking the pain signals to the brain so that stretching can be done with much less pain and noticeable results

Placement of 1 pad in middle of foot, while other pad on the heel [pain area] eases the pain considerably while stretching

Place of pads on the outer side of ankle just above the heel and below the ankle bone can also ease pain.

Placement of pads on the inner side of the ankle, just above heel and below ankle bone can ease pain
Placing pads on 91 & 92 [each end of the calf muscles on the inside of the lower leg] while stretching the muscles will also relieve the pain in foot, again blocking the pain signals to the brain and getting the best stretch for the correction of the ailment
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 98% |
Respiratory Issues:
Research has shown that stimulating the acupoints on thigh muscles with TENS/EMS has increased the lung function while doing light exercises improving exercise and lung capacity in the treatment of COPD.
TENS-Parameters: Pulse form - Monophasic or biphasic. Pulse width - 0.01 to 0.4 ms. Frequency - 50 to 200 Hz. Intensity - up to 30 MA, or till a tingling sensation is felt
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 76% |
Up To 83% |
Up To 96% |
Sciatica Pain:
TENS pads placed [74/75] of low back or where pain is most severe. Opposite pad placed at [51, 52, 53,54, 55, 56] along the leg from hip to knee where the pain ends. [Left leg is shown in picture].
Other option is placing electrodes [4] on each side of pain area of the low back. Can either have one set across/parallel or an ‘X’ placement.
The electrical impulses are sent through the skin to the brain and override the ‘pain’ signals from reaching the brain. The electrical impulses then stimulate the endorphins which are the bodies pain killers. Then quality of life can be re-established, and movement is pain free.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 76% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 97% |
Shingles/Herpes Zoster:
Placing pads closes to the rash area or on depending on area and pain level, research reveals a low continuous has best results. Although other studies have shown soothing pulses have worked.
Disseminated zoster follows the dermatome from the spinal cord to area in trunk or arm. Placing one pad at the origin on spine/cervical and the other at about the 2/3 way down the rash and then select continuous or pulse stimulation. This is covering the entire dermatome to reduce the severity of pain
Because this viral infection targets the nerves the electrical stimulation to the brain prevents the ‘pain’ receptors to engage and then relief from pain is apparent. The relief from pain is the body producing higher levels of own natural pain relief endorphins and enkephalins.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 72% |
Up To 88% |
Up To 99% |
Shoulder pain:
Placement of pads [R] in front of shoulder/arm joint, other placed [W] on base of neck/shoulder joint. Another placement option is on [R] on top of shoulder beside joint and other pad [W] on of arm outside of arm below the joint even with arm pit. With these common placements the electrical stimulation will enter the nerve fibres to the brain over-riding the pain receptors.

Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 98% |
Skin Wound Healing:.
TENS, with electrical stimulation has been shown to accelerate wound healing and increase cutaneous perfusion, in 14 out of 16 tested cases, using the waveform. As the human cell is also an electrical unit the stimulation from the TENS restarts the correction of cell membrane in a natural manner
Pulse current: high-voltage monophasic-pulsed current, frequently referred to as hi-volt pulsed current (HVPC); low-voltage monophasic-pulsed current; and low-voltage biphasic-pulsed current (LVBPC). LVBPC is employed in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) devices, primarily for pain control.
Placement of pads on intact skin beside wound. On hand/foot using glove or socks for electrical stimulation
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 79% |
Up To 88% |
Up To 99% |
Soft Tissue Injuries
Placing electrodes over painful areas, acupuncture points, trigger points, or over nerve roots. Electrical impulses stimulate the nerve fibres blocking pain signals reaching the brain.
Using the different modes will electrically stimulate the nerves with impulses that will over-ride the pain receptors and stimulate the release of natural painkillers being endorphins and enkolpions.
As well as reducing pain, the stimulation of the nerves will also stimulate the muscles which will increase the blood flow to increase the healing of the muscle tissues.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 88% |
Up To 98% |
Speech therapy:
Cervical and laryngeal relaxation are recommended in the treatment of muscle tension dysphonia in order to seek the balance of intrinsic muscles of the larynx 9, so TENS can collaborate in the treatment of dysphonia hyperfunctional promote analgesia and muscle relaxation
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 82% |
Up To 94% |
Spinal Cord Injury
Placing pads along the spine on either side, near area of symptoms and using the ‘conventional’ high frequency producing a tingling or pins and needles sensation or ‘acupuncture-like’ a low frequency stimulation may/may not cause muscle twitching.
Studies have shown strong evidence that ongoing program of TENS reduces spasticity [continuously contracted, this contraction causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles].
Alternating between High Frequency and Low Frequency during session of 30 minutes will re-stimulate the tolerance.
Placing electrodes on acupuncture point has evidence of a reduction in pain.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 76% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 97% |
Tennis Elbow: tendinitis: swelling of tendons attached at the back of the elbow. [Points shown are for the left elbow]
Placement of TENS pads for pain relief: #87 [back of arm, just below shoulder at tendon ending] & 28, [outside of elbow, at elbow joint at other end of tendon]; these points stimulate the tendon nerves to lessen pain. #87 [muscle just below elbow] & #89 [muscle about 2” below elbow]; effects nerve stimulation and blocking pain signals to the brain with much less pain and noticeable results

Golfers Elbow: Swelling of tendons in the front arm area of the elbow. [Points shown are for the left elbow]
Placement of pad on inner side of the elbow, just beside bone, and below the bone on inside edge of the elbow for nerve stimulation of the muscles to ease the inflammation pain.
Place pads on crease of elbow, and joint outside elbow, to stimulate the nerves on the tendon to ease pain caused by the inflammation.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 73% |
Up To 87% |
Up To 99% |
TMJD - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder:
The electrical stimulation over-rides the pain signals through the nerves to the brain while the brain can then release endorphins which are the bodies natural pain killers.
Option 1) Place one electrode slightly forward of the ear and place the other electrode on the back of neck on the same side. Do this on both sides.
Option 2) Place one electrode near the angle of jaw and the other on temple, again on same side and on both sides.
Studies have shown use for about 30 minutes twice a day, using a low frequency relaxes the muscles around the joint and relaxes the pain and stress on joint.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 75% |
Up To 86% |
Up To 98% |
EMS Muscle Pain:
Electronic Muscle Stimulator stimulates the muscle nerves which increases the blood circulation to improve muscle flexibility, range of motion, and enhance muscle endurance. This stimulation helps muscle pain such as spastic, sore, and inflexible muscles.
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 80% |
Up To 89% |
Up To 97% |
EMS - Muscle Strengthening:
Electronic Muscle Stimulation [EMS] facilitates in strengthening weak muscles by electrically stimulating muscle fibres to improve strength. Clinically proven to be more effective with weak muscles when having difficulty performing normal anti-gravity exercises.
An EMS also, improves the learning of the memory engram recruited by the body to find the quickest way to recruit a muscle
Option Suggestions |
Pro IV |
Pro V |
Pro VI |
Pulse Rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Start at 1, and work your way up gradually to find your perfect rate |
Effectiveness |
Up to 74% |
Up To 84% |
Up To 98% |